Introduction of Conformity of Production for the GB / UK(NI) Schemes
This page was last updated on 26th May 2022CoP Test Data
We will accept CoP data used to demonstrate compliance to EU Type Approval where the vehicle specification and technical requirements are the same. We will also require access to the data direct from the manufacturer. We are not asking for any duplicate testing to occur where vehicle specifications are the same.
The approval holder will need to have oversight of all tests that relate to the GB scheme CoP.
The GB / UK(NI) Legislation is unlikely to give an indication of CoP test requirements or frequency for every subject. UN Regulations may offer some guidance. In all other cases, the frequency and nature of tests will be dependent on the nature of the subject or product and perceived risk. This is to be agreed with the CoP department and to be included in your control plans.
All test data will be reviewed at the annual meetings and assembly plant audits, and we will review engine emissions CoP test data at both the quarterly and annual meetings. The details are yet to be confirmed on sales volumes and so on.
We have templates for you to complete for emissions subjects and other subject areas, and we will follow up any outstanding actions such as recalls. These will all be tracked until completion.
We will need to learn about the root cause of an issue, what corrective action was taken, and what preventative action has been introduced.
As always, it’s really important to contact us as soon as possible with any information or updates so we can work with you to resolve any issues.