GB Type Approval Scheme

This page was last updated on 20th August 2024

Administrative Guidance for Applicants


This guide provides details on the administrative requirements of the GB type approval scheme as they apply to whole vehicle, system, and component type approvals.

Note – this page does not cover information relating to Conformity of Production (CoP). For more information on GB CoP requirements, please refer to our Introduction of Conformity of Production for the GB / UK(NI) Schemes.


How to Apply

Applications for GB type approval can be made in two different ways:

  1. Direct to VCA Type Approval Authority
  2. Via VCA’s internal Technical Service

If a manufacturer already has the required evidence of compliance with GB type approval regulations (refer to our Technical Guidance for Applicants), then they should apply directly to the VCA Type Approval Authority with the relevant package of information.

If a manufacturer requires testing services in order to demonstrate compliance with GB type approval regulations and is not already working with another Technical Service, applications should be made via VCA’s internal Technical Service. Once testing and technical activity is completed an approval will be issued by the VCA Type Approval Authority without the need for further separate application.

In either case, applications should be made via the VCA Portal, with the appropriate application route selected at Step 1.2 of the GB type approval application form.

VCA Application Routes Diagram

Information Documents & Supporting Documentation

A GB information document must be supplied as part of each application for GB type approval. There are two options for the provision of GB information documents:

  1. Bespoke GB information document
  2. EU information document with GB cover page

If using a bespoke GB information document, this should follow the format defined in assimilated regulations 2018/858 and 2020/683, or other subject specific regulations as appropriate.

If using an EU information document with a GB covering page, the GB covering page should be used to highlight differences between the EU information document content and the specification of GB vehicles. An example of this would be for manufacturer’s representative, where it is likely that different name and address details would need to be specified for GB approvals compared to that listed for EU type approval.


GB Covering Pages for Information Documents

The format of GB information document covering pages is not strictly defined by VCA or legislative requirements in order to retain a level of flexibility for manufacturers, but they should at a minimum contain the following information:

  1. Reference to the GB legislation being applied for, e.g. Regulation 1008/2010 as amended by 2022/1273 (wash/wipe systems).
  2. A reference to provide a link to the attached EU information document, such as the Type designation or a document reference.
  3. Document control information, including a date and version or revision number.
  4. Clearly identified points of difference from the EU information document when describing GB type approval specifications, e.g:
EU Information Document Item: GB Type Approval Content:
0.9. Name and address of the manufacturer’s representative (if any) List GB-based address that replaces EU-based address
1.8. Hand of drive Right


The covering page may also be used to provide any other information that a manufacturer feels may be relevant or useful for the GB type approval application.


Part III Lists of Type Approval & Test Report Numbers

When making a step-by-step or mixed approach application for GB whole vehicle type approval, manufacturers must supply a ‘Part III list’ of associated type approvals or test reports covering specific subjects.

NOTE: Test reports and UN type approvals that have not already been supplied as part of an associated GB system or component type approval application should be provided as part of your whole vehicle type approval application. This enables VCA to verify the validity of the documents against what is listed in the Part III list.

When compiling Part III lists for GB type approval applications, manufacturers should use item numbering and legislation as specified in Annex II of assimilated Regulation (EU) 2018/858, not the item numbering and legislation references as per the EU type approval framework. This applies whether creating a bespoke GB information document with full Part III list as per information document option 1 set out above, or highlighting differences for GB specific subjects and approvals on a cover sheet as per information document option 2. For example, the Part III listing for Statutory Plates within a GB type approval application should appear as follows:


Item Subject Number of type approval certificate or test report Extension date Variant(s)/Version(s)
18A Regulation 19/2011, Statutory Plates g11*19/2011*2022/1273*00012*00 Not Applicable All



Applications for Approval Extensions & Revisions

When making an application for extension or revision of a GB type approval, manufacturers should supply information documents that clearly show both:

  1. A high-level list of reason(s) for extension/revision – this will be copied over to the approval certificate for reference and be used by VCA to validate changes elsewhere in documentation.
  2. Highlighted changes to individual items within the information document – this can be achieved in different ways e.g. highlighting, use of a different font colour, underlining, etc. so long as it is clearly identifiable which parts of the document are changed as part of the extension/revision.

Document Language & Format

Documentation supplied as part of a GB type approval application should be written in English language so that VCA can make a complete assessment of compliance.

Wherever possible documentation should be supplied in PDF format, and different elements of information documents should be consolidated into a single file.

If re-using documents that have already been used as part of an EU type approval application, please supply unsecured documents for the purposes of GB type approval applications. Secured documents can cause problems with compiling consolidated document packages and applying VCA approval stamps, which may cause delays to your application until unsecured versions can be supplied.

Ref: TAC-E-WE-1 | Rev 3