UK(NI) Type Approval Scheme
This page was last updated on 20th August 2024As a result of the Northern Ireland Protocol and Windsor Framework agreements, EU law continues to apply in Northern Ireland for the purposes of type approval.
This means that manufacturers can continue to use EU type approvals to demonstrate compliance and place vehicles and components on the Northern Irish market.
The agreements also led to the establishment of the UK(NI) type approval scheme, which directly follows EU legislation (i.e. directly incorporating all EU legislative amendments) but is implemented by VCA, who are the only Type Approval Authority for the scheme. UK(NI) type approvals are valid throughout the UK (in both Northern Ireland and Great Britain) and enable manufacturers to access the UK market without the need for additional EU or GB type approvals.
UK(NI) type approvals can be identified by their type approval number or type approval mark, which will start with the designation “n11”.
NOTE: UK(NI) approvals are not recognised by the EU and cannot be used to place vehicles or components on the EU market.
What UK(NI) type approvals are available?
There are several approval options available under the UK(NI) scheme, covering all vehicle categories.
For M, N, and O category vehicles and their components:
- Unlimited production whole vehicle type approval following the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2018/858 as it applies in EU law.
- ‘EU’ small series whole vehicle type approval according to the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2018/858, Article 41 as it applies in EU law.
- National small series whole vehicle type approval according to the requirements of the Road Vehicle (Approval) Regulations 2020.
- Component, separate technical unit, and system type approvals according to the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2018/858 as it applies in EU law.
For L category vehicles and their components:
- Unlimited production whole vehicle type approval following the requirements of Regulation (EU) 168/2013 as it applies in EU law.
- Component, separate technical unit, and system type approvals according to the requirements of Regulation (EU) 168/2013 as it applies in EU law.
For T, C, R and S category vehicles and their components:
- Unlimited production whole vehicle type approval following the requirements of Regulation (EU) 167/2013 as it applies in EU law.
- Component, separate technical unit, and system type approvals according to the requirements of Regulation (EU) 167/2013 as it applies in EU law.
For engines for non-road mobile machinery (NRMM):
- Type approval of engines following the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/1628 as it applies in EU law.
Interaction of EU, UK(NI) and GB type approvals
While EU and UK(NI) type approvals follow the same legislative requirements, they are considered as separate legislative frameworks. The GB type approval scheme is another separate legislative framework with distinct legislative requirements. Consequently:
- It is possible to hold EU, UK(NI) and GB type approvals for the same vehicle/component/separate technical unit type
- Approvals cannot be used interchangeably between the schemes, e.g. EU component approvals cannot be used as part of a UK(NI) type approval application, nor can UK(NI) type approvals be used as part of a GB type approval application
UK(NI) Label

UKNI Label
Manufacturers using unlimited series or ‘EU’ small series UK(NI) type approvals are required to place a UK(NI) label next to the statutory markings (VIN plate or component approval mark) if they intend to place the product on the market in Northern Ireland.
This is not required if using a UK(NI) national small series approval to place the products on the market.
Please note that the UKCA marking is different and not managed by the VCA. For more information please refer to the UKCA marking guidance.
Manufacturer’s Representative
To hold a UK(NI) type approval the approval holder must be based in the EU or Northern Ireland. If they are not, then a manufacturer’s representative must be appointed who is.
A representative could be a subsidiary of the approval holder or a third-party representative if the approval holder is not based in the required country. The obligations on the representative where they are a third-party are set out in Article 15 of EU regulation 2018/858 as it applies in EU law.
Use of UK(NI) type approvals in Great Britain
UK(NI) type approvals can currently be used to place products on the market throughout the UK.
VCA cannot guarantee that this arrangement will continue indefinitely as it will be linked to the future directions of the EU and GB type approval schemes, but no future changes to the arrangement will be made without industry consultation and notice periods.