Making a Subject Access Request under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

This page was last updated on 21st June 2024

GDPR legislation came into force on 25th May 2018. For further information about your rights, please visit the Information Commissioner’s website.

How do I find out what information you hold about me?

Please write to us at

In order to process your request, please provide us with your name and any other personal details you think we may hold. Also provide us with any information you have about your dealings with the VCA so that we can better target our searches. For example, if you have previously applied to import a vehicle under the Mutual Recognition Scheme or worked within the VCA then please specify this in your application.

Please note that before we can act on your request, you will need to supply proof of your identity.

To make this easier you can apply using the Subject Access Application Form

How long will it take for the VCA to respond

The VCA will usually respond to Subject Access Requests within one month of receipt, but may take up to 2 months in the case of complex and/or numerous requests. We will let you know when you can expect to receive a response, or if we will be unable to provide you with one.

Is there a cost?

No, this service will be free.  However, we can charge a ‘reasonable fee’ when a request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, particularly if it is repetitive.

What if I am unsatisfied with the response from the VCA?

If you are unhappy with the way we have handled your information request and wish to make a complaint, there are a couple of ways you can do this.

If you believe that the VCA has not sent you all of the information you are entitled to, please write to the Data Protection Manager at the VCA. We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days and let you have a full response within 20 working days.  If it is not possible to respond fully within this timescale, we will write and let you know why and say when you should receive a full response.

Please email: or write to the:

Data Protection Champion
Vehicle Certification Agency,
No 1 The Eastgate Office Centre
Eastgate Road
United Kingdom

If you are still unsatisfied, you can contact  the Information Commissioner on their live chat service: or telephone their helpline 0303 123 1113.

Otherwise, if you are unhappy with the way in which the VCA handled your request, then please follow this link for instructions on how to complain.